After completing the B.Com Corporate Secretaryship degree course the students will be
- PSO 1: Aware of the legal framework of Corporate Sector in India
- PSO 2: Enriched with in-depth knowledge in different aspects of Corporate Secretaryship and Corporate Governance
- PSO 3: Expose to practical situations of Corporate world and imparted with managerial skills
- PSO 4: Competent to undergo and complete Company Secretaryship Course
- PSO 5: Employable in managerial and clerical positions in Corporate Sectors
- PSO 6: Acquire the knowledge of exports and import activities, Export Promotion measures in India, and procedure for documentation
- PSO 7: Analyze the tools for environmental scanning
- PSO 8: Assemble financial information from different sources and offer the same for further analysis, validation and decision making
- PSO 9: Understand the concept of Standard Costing and gain the ability of analyzing the variances between the standard and actual cost
- PSO 10: Comprehend the legislative framework of Corporate Governance in India