About St. Xavier's College (Autonomous)

Motto of the College

Veritate Lumen et Vita

(Light and Life through Truth)

Vision of the College

To mould young men and women as leaders in all walks of life so that they may serve the people especially the poor and the oppressed of our nation in truth, justice and love.

Mission of the College

  • To achieve a synthesis of academic excellence and formation of character
  • To ensure social justice through equity and access
  • To include the excluded for empowerment
  • To equip students with global competencies
  • To engage in relevent research activities
  • To promote Lab to Land through Outreach Programme (STAND)


Fr. Albert Lebeau, S.J., was born in Belgium. He was a man of tremendous energy and he was endowed with many social virtues. Refined, graceful and genial, he was humorous too. A high sense of beauty was another outstanding trait in Fr. Lebeau and this manifested itself in his passion for music. He possessed the profound instinct of forgiveness and generosity and his spiritual ministry was abundantly fruitful. With the help and cooperation of Fr. Causannel, S.J., Fr. Dhanasamy, S.J., and Fr. A. Gnanapragasam, S.J., also played a leading role in the founding and the early development of the College. Fr. Lebeau was appointed as the first Principal and he successfully led the college from 1923-1926. On 30th September, 1940, Fr. Lebeau left the world for eternal peace.


The three branches of palm leaves on the right side of the emblem signify that our institution is situated in Tirunelveli District. The ear of rice corn arched on the left side of the emblem represents Maruthanilam. The local symbols connected by a cross highlights the fact that ours is a Christian institution. At the top of the cross, the College motto, Veritate Lumen et Vita (Life and Light through Truth) is inscribed. The shield at the front of the cross, has two divisions. On the right IHS., the Jesuit motto is inscribed. The squares on the left indicate the spiritual, moral, emotional, and intellectual development that education fosters in a person. The emblem thus means that St.Xavier's College is a Jesuit institution of higher learning established in Tirunelveli District for the all round development of its pupils.


The Jesuit College aims at the training of young men of quality to be leaders in all walks of life so that they may serve the people of our nation in truth, justice and love. Accordingly, this College is to be an agent of social change, instilling in the youth an awareness of the great need in our country of social justice based on brotherhood and dignity of the human person. Thus, it aims at making its own contribution towards a transformation of the present social condition, so that justice, equality and the moral values enshrined in the Constitution of India may prevail in the daily life of every citizen. The aim of St.Xavier's is the sound formation (religious, intellectual, social and physical) of the young based on Christian principles. Every student is required, therefore to attend Religion (for Catholics) or Ethics (for others) classes, and classes on social analysis and personality development. They are also expected to take part in the extension service programmes organised by the College.


In recognition of its service and to increase its efficiency still further, autonomy has been conferred on St.Xavier's College with effect from June 1987. In the autonomous set up, this College is free to determine the course pattern, frame its own syllabi for the various courses and adopt suitable methods of teaching and evaluation. The College is an affiliated First Grade College of the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University which will award degrees with the name of St.Xavier's College mentioned on them.

The College was accredited with Five Stars by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) on 17th April 2000. The College was re-accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC in April 2006.


UGC Offered on our College the status of "College with Potential for Excellence" in 2004 and for the second time in 2010.

The College was accredited with Five Stars by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) on 17th April 2000. The College was re-accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC in April 2006.

College Data

Year of Establishment 1923
Recognition by UGC Under 2(f) & 12 B
Type of College Grant - in - Aid
Autonomy Conferred 21.12.1987
Campus Area 58 Acres
Accredited (Cycle 1) with “ Five Stars” by NAAC 2000
Accredited (Cycle 2) with “ A” Grade by NAAC 2006
Accredited (Cycle 3) with “A” Grade by NAAC with CGPA 3.50 2012
Accredited (Cycle 4) with “ A++ ” Grade by NAAC with CGPA 3.66 2019
College with Potential for Excellence by UGC 2004
Academic Programmes under CBCS 52

Programmes and Courses offered

UG PG M.Phil. Ph.D. ECC/Add-on/Certificate Courses
Shift –I Shift-II Shift –I Shift-II Shift –I Shift-II 12 124
9 8 6 10 2 5

Staff Strength

Shift-I Shift-II Total
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Teaching Staff 70 24 39 44 109 68
Non-Teaching Staff 31 - 37 11 73 11

Students Strength

Male Female Total
1691 1846 3537

Research Departments

Science Arts Total
6 6 12