To promote the academic and administrative performance of St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, through conscious, consistent and catalytic action
To promote the academic and administrative performance of St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, through conscious, consistent and catalytic action
NAAC Peer Team Visit was conducted on 26th &27th August 2019. NAAC has assessed and accredited our Institution at A++ Grade with a CGPA of 3.66 out of 4 in IV cycle. The following were the members of the NAAC Peer Team who visited our college on 26th & 27th August 2019.
The report of the NAAC Peer Team is presented here.
The NAAC Peer Team, comprising the following academicians visited the college from 29th February to 2nd March 2012 to assess the quality measures implemented during the last five years (Third Cycle):
The Peer Team visited the departments, research centres and infrastructural facilities and interacted with the Management, Teachers, Students, Parents and Alumni of the college. The visit was a successful and meaningful academic and administrative exercise. St. Xavier's College was re-accredited with “A†Grade with a CGPA of 3.50.
The process of collecting student feedback on teachers was conducted from September 27, 2023, to September 30, 2023, for the odd semester and from April 1, 2024, to April 4, 2024, for the even semester. The feedback format was designed based on the model provided by NAAC and was administered through a questionnaire. The analysis of the feedback was submitted to Rev. Fr. Secretary and Rev. Fr. Principal. Subsequently, Rev. Fr. Secretary shared the feedback with the teachers and instructed them to enhance their performance based on the evaluation results.
The process of collecting student feedback on teachers was conducted from September 27, 2023, to September 30, 2023, for the odd semester and from April 1, 2024, to April 4, 2024, for the even semester. The feedback format was designed based on the model provided by NAAC and was administered through a questionnaire. The analysis of the feedback was submitted to Rev. Fr. Secretary and Rev. Fr. Principal. Subsequently, Rev. Fr. Secretary shared the feedback with the teachers and instructed them to enhance their performance based on the evaluation results.
With an aim to provide a suitable platform for academicians to discuss the best practices in Student Support and Progression, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell organized a two-day National Conference on "Quality Initiatives for Student Support and Progression" on 4th & 5th December 2009. Welcoming the participants, Dr. V. S. Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator & Convener, pointed out the difference between NAAC and other organizations. He said that while other organizations assess only the outcome of the process, NAAC assesses the process itself.
Welcoming the participants, Dr. V. S. Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator & Convener, pointed out the difference between NAAC and other organizations. He said that while other organizations assess only the outcome of the process, NAAC assesses the process itself.
Rev. Dr. Alphonse Manickam, S.J., Principal, delivered the Presidential Address, defining the terms, Student Support and Student Progression. Dr.G.Gopalakrishnan, Dean, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University , delivered the Keynote Address. Mr. B. S. Ponmudiraj, Assistant Adviser, NAAC, spoke on The Importance of Student-centred Environment in HEIs. Dr. Sheela Ramachandran, Principal, P S G College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore , stressed the need for Student Participation in Extra-curricular Activities. Interacting with the participants, Dr. G. Srinivas, Joint Secretary, UGC, Hyderabad , spoke on IQAC and Quality Assurance.†Rev. Fr. Britto Vincent, S.J., Rector, St. Xavier's Institutions, Palayamkottai, focused on The Need for Holistic Development of Students in HEIs. During the Panel Discussion, Dr. S. Chellakumar Rose, Principal, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, explained the essential features of Student-centred Teaching-learning Process for Quality Enhancement. Dr. Francis, Principal, V.O.C.College, Tuticorin, talked about Inclusive Practices for Social Justice. Dr.Muthulakshmi Paramasivan, Principal, Rosemary College of Arts & Science, Tirunelveli, focused on Quality Initiatives for Women Empowerment in HEIs. Dr.D.Ebenezer, Joint Director of Collegiate Education, Tirunelveli, delivered the valedictory address. 175 teachers participated in the Conference.
In order to facilitate the revision of the syllabus to be introduced in June 2012, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized a UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Innovations in Curriculum under Choice-Based Credit System on 7th December 2011. Welcoming the participants, Dr.V.S.Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator, explained the objectives of the Seminar. Rev.Fr.Britto Vincent, S.J., Rector, pointed out the significance of value education in higher education institutions. Rev.Dr.A.Arockiasamy, S.J., Secretary, stressed the need for quality enhancement in the changing global scenario. Rev.Dr.Alphonse Manickam, S.J., Principal, delivered the Presidential Address, focusing on the importance of introducing innovative courses in curriculum so that students might get more options.
Dr. Joe G. M. Jesudurai, Associate Prof. & Head, Dept. of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai, explained the logistics of the Choice-Based Credit System. Dr. P. Bhaskaran Nair, Associate Professor of ELT, Pondicherry University, delivered a lecture on Learner-Centred Approach: From Curriculum Guidelines to Classroom Interactionâ€. Dr. Stanley Mohandoss Stephen, Associate Prof. & Head, Research Dept. of English, The American College, Madurai, presented a historical perspective of the Choice-Based Credit System. The Panel Discussion was conducted by Mr. Bernard Chandra, Placement Officer. Dr. C. Eugine Franco, Associate Prof. & Head, Research Dept. of Commerce, spoke on “Ensuring Employability through Curriculum Design. Dr. B. Ravi Babu, Dean & Head, Dept. of English, Devanga Arts College, Aruppukottai, focused on Soft Skills--Personality Developmentâ€. Dr. A. John De Britto, Associate Professor, Research Dept. of Plant Biology & Biotechnology, spoke on The Significance of Value Education. 170 teachers from various institutions attended the Seminar.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, organized an orientation programme for teaching staff appointed before 2014 on June 15, 2024 at Fr. Caussanel Hall. The event aimed to enhance teaching effectiveness, workplace ethics, and research standards.
The programme began with registration at 9:00 A.M., followed by an inaugural ceremony featuring addresses by Dr. R. Azhagu Raj, Director, IQAC, Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu, S.J. Rector, Rev. Fr. Dr. G. Pushparaj, S.J. Secretary, and Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Mariadoss, S.J. Principal. The speakers emphasized the evolving role of educators and the importance of continuous learning.
Speaker: Dr. B. Beneson Thilagar Christadoss, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai.
Focus: Exploring key attributes essential for impactful teaching, including fostering student success, continuous professional growth, effective communication, adaptability, and a deep passion for the subject.
Speaker: Dr. B. Beneson Thilagar Christadoss, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai.
Focus: Covering professional integrity, respect, accountability, confidentiality, and work-life balance, with case studies for practical insights.
Speaker: Dr. S. Sudhakar, Professor & Head, Department of Biotechnology, MS. University, Tirunelveli.
Focus: Discussing research standards, methodologies, publication ethics, collaboration, and funding opportunities.
The Orientation Programme was conducted on15.06.2023 for the staff appointed since 2018 and the newly recruited staff. And it was commenced with a prayer song by Ms. K. Pretty, Assistant Professor of English, Ms. B. Manohari, Assistant Professors of English and Dr. S. Philo, Assistant Professors of Mathematics, St. Xavier’s college. Dr. J. Sahaya Mary, Assistant Director of IQAC, welcomed the gathering and outlined the programme’s objectives. Rev. Dr. V. Henry Jerome S.J., Rector, delivered his blessings, followed by Rev. Dr. G. Pushparaj S.J., Secretary, who emphasized the need for continuous learning. Rev. Dr. S. Mariadoss S.J., Principal, felicitated the gathering. The workshop, themed Aspects of Higher Education, featured Rev. Fr. Dr. V. Joseph Xavier S.J. Former Principal of Loyola College, Chennai as the resource person. The sessions highlighted on the following: Vision of Jesuit Education, Qualities of a Teacher, Research and Professionalism.
The Orientation Programme was conducted on 16.06.2023 for all the teaching faculty began at Matha Maligai, Tirunelveli, with a prayer song by Dr. B. Helina, Head of the Department of Physics and her team, followed by a welcome address by Dr. J. Sahaya Mary, Assistant Director of IQAC. Rev. Fr. Dr. V. Henry Jerome S.J., Rector of St. Xavier's Institutions, acknowledged the institution’s 55th NIRF ranking and discussed Education 5.0, emphasizing technology-driven, interactive, and personalized learning. Rev. Fr. Dr. G. Pushparaj S.J., Secretary, stressed the need for interdisciplinary learning and cross-domain applications, while Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Mariadoss S.J., Principal, expressed gratitude for academic achievements and outlined priorities like curriculum innovation, research enhancement, and student-centric education.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. A. Joseph Dorai Raj, Professor of English, The Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed to be University, Gandhigram.
Focus: Types of disciplinarity and overcoming challenges in interdisciplinary education.
Speaker: Dr. Joseph Dorai Raj.
Focus: Academic integrity, plagiarism, and ethical research practices.
Speaker: Dr. Mary Magdalene Abraham, Former Associate Professor of English, Fatima College, Madurai.
Focus: Professionalism, collegiality, emotional intelligence, and spiritual learning in academia.
Day 2 (17.06.2023) began with a prayer song. Mr. Saravana Kumar, Assistant Professor of Economics read the report for Day 1, while Dr. Jeya Ani, Assistant Professor of Commerce, presented the report for Day 2. At 9:30 a.m., faculty members were instructed to convene in their respective departments to plan for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024. Following the planning session, everyone reconvened at the Lebeau Auditorium to present their departmental reports. The valediction ceremony commenced at 12:00 p.m., during which Rev. Fr. Dr. S. Mariadoss addressed the gathering and provided pertinent information to the staff.
IQAC is an integral part of the system of the institution and works towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. The vision of IQAC is to ensure quality culture as the prime concern through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support. Every year IQAC carries out quality sustenance and quality enhancement activities. help them become efficient leaders in future.
Every year, IQAC engages in quality maintenance and improvement tasks. IQAC Conducted orientation programme for the teachers on 15th and 16th July 2022. Rev. Fr. Dr. Francis. P. Xavier, S.J., Rector, Loyola College, Chennai spoke on the topic “Ignatian Vision of Education in Today's Context” in session – I and he presented the topic on Ignatian Pedagogy in session – II. 198 teachers were present on the first day and 182 teachers on the second day.
Dr. B. Willian Dharma Raja, Professor and Head, Department of Education, M.S. University, Tirunelveli delivered his lecture on “Enhancing Teaching Skills” in session III.
In Session IV Rev. Fr. Suresh, Anugraha College, Dindigul, focused on the topic “Mentoring and Counseling”. In Day 2, Dr. M. Mohamed Sathik, former Principal, Sadakathullah Appa College, Palayamkottai spoke on the topic on “Commitment and Competence building”.
IQAC conducted off-line Orientation Programme on “Research and Innovation, Jesuit Vision and Charism of Education, Networking, Collaboration and Quality Enhancement” for teachers on 13th August 2021. Rev. Dr. G. Pushparaj S.J., Secretary, St. Xavier’s College of Education, Rev. Dr. S. Ignacimuthu S.J., Director, Xavier Research Foundation, Rev. Dr. D. Thomas Alexandar S.J., Principal, St. Xavier’s College of Education, Palayamkottai, were the Resource persons.
IQAC conducted orientation programme for the teachers teaching Professional English on 22-02-2022. The Resource Person was Dr. Christopher Ramesh, Asst. Professor of English, Government College, Melur. Training manual was distributed to the teachers who attended the programme.
IQAC conducted Orientation Programme on "Effective Teaching and Awareness on International Research Databases" for teachers appointed since June 2010 on 13th June 2019. Rev. Dr. Paul C. Jesuraja, S.J., School of Human Excellence, St. Xavier's College, delivered a talk on the topic "Commitment Contribution to the and Institution". Rev. Dr. V. Joseph Xavier, S.J., Administrator, XIBA, spoke on the topic "Characteristics of an effective teacher". Dr. A. Tirumagal, Librarian, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University spoke on the topic "Library Resources and International Research Data bases".
IQAC conducted Orientation Programme on "Effective Teaching and Awareness on International Research Databases" for teachers appointed since June 2010 on 13th June 2019. Rev. Dr. Paul C. Jesuraja, S.J., School of Human Excellence, St. Xavier's College, delivered a talk on the topic "Commitment Contribution to the and Institution". Rev. Dr. V. Joseph Xavier, S.J., Administrator, XIBA, spoke on the topic "Characteristics of an effective teacher". Dr. A. Tirumagal, Librarian, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University spoke on the topic "Library Resources and International Research Data bases".
IQAC conducted Orientation Programme on Preparation for NAAC Peer Team Visit for the faculty of Shift I & Shift II on 14th & 15th June 2019. Prof. Dr. S. V. Sudheer, Director, HRDC, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, spoke on the topic "Aspects of Revised NAAC Accreditation Framework". Dr. V. S. Joseph Albert, Deputy Principal, outlined the practical tips towards Preparation for NAAC Peer Team Visit. Dr. A. Lourdusamy, IQAC Director, elaborated upon all aspects of Documentation at Departmental Level.
IQAC conducted Orientation Programme for teachers on 30.06.2018. The teachers of Shift I who were appointed since June 2012 and all the teachers of Shift II attended the programme.
IQAC conducted a staff orientation programme on "Counselling and Mentoring" on 19th & 20th June 2017. The Resource Persons (1) Rev. Dr. Jeyaseelan, a specialist in Psycho Dynamic, Gestalt Individual and Group Therapy from Anugraha College of Counselling & Psychotherapy, Dindigul, oriented the staff to deal with the psychological problems faced by the youth; (2) Fr. Santiago, a trained Counsellor from Anugraha College of Counselling & Psychotherapy, Dindigul, explained in detail about 25 types of parents and 15 types of children with the focus on skills and steps for counselling; (3) Dr. John Balliah, Counselling Psychiatrist, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichy, dealt with the topic "MENTORING AS A TRUSTED COUNSELLING".
IQAC conducted an Orientation Programme for teachers on 14th & 15th June 2016.
Rev. Dr. Wilson, Anugraha Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Dindigul, talked about millennial Generation Psychology of students.
He dealt with the aspect of transforming blue energy that spreads the spiritual power among the students and said that teachers should become a Guru in transforming such blue energy.
An ORIENTATION PROGRAMME for Teachers on “Teaching for Transformation” was conducted on 10th July, 2015. Professor Jeyakar Chellaraj, an internationally acclaimed speaker and administrator, pointed out that education should produce students who will be able to assume the responsibility of leadership in the social, political, and cultural fields.
Dr. V.K. Boominathan, Former Head, Dept. of Commerce, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, spoke on the topic “Teachers: Facilitators and Guides”. He explained that teaching is stimulation, guidance, direction and encouragement of learning. 170 teachers attended the Orientation Programme.
An Orientation Programme for teachers on “Innovative Teaching Strategies for Student – Centred Education” was conducted on 5th July, 2014. Professor Jeyakar Chellaraj, an internationally acclaimed speaker and administrator, explained the Significance of Transformational Communication.
Dr. Mercy Packiam of Lady Doak College, Madurai, spoke on the topic “Teachers: Facilitators and Mentors”. Totally 170 teachers attended and benefited out of the Orientation Programme.
In order to help young teachers learn the techniques of class room management, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an Orientation Programme for Teaching Staff appointed after June 2004 on “Classroom Management, Maintenance of Discipline and Teaching Skills” on 21st August 2014. Rev. Dr. Danis Ponniah S.J., Rector, focused on the importance of dedication to the profession and the sacrifice needed to take the college to newer heights. Rev. Fr. R. Jesu Michael Das, S.J., the Secretary, stressed the need for interpersonal relationship, respect and tolerance for colleagues and the significance of helping one another. Rev. Dr. V. Gilburt Camillus S.J., Principal, focused on punctuality, maintenance of discipline in the classroom, significance of effective communication, subject knowledge and pursuit of research. Dr. V. S. Joseph Albert, Deputy Principal, presented a SWOC Analysis bringing home the qualities of an ideal teacher. Dr. A. Lourdusamy, IQAC Coordinator, conducted the whole proceedings and 125 teachers attended and enriched out of the Orientation Programme.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an Orientation Programme on 15th June 2012 for all the teaching staff of St. Xavier's College. The objective was to make a SWOC analysis of quality initiatives implemented since 2006 in the light of the recommendations given in the NAAC Peer Team Report 2012. Dr.V.S.Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator, presented an analysis of the NAAC Peer Team Report 2012 and focused on the outcome of NAAC assessment of institutions in India from January to June 2012. Rev.Fr.Britto Vincent, S.J., Rector, St. Xavier's Institutions, explained the concept of Jesuit higher education and the policy of option for the poor. He said that the poor student who had got State First Rank in "Indian Culture" was given admission in the college and was also provided with financial assistance. Rev.Dr.A.Joseph, S.J., Principal, pointed out the significance of quality enhancement in the changing global scenario and the role of teachers in developing the communication skills of students. Rev.Dr.A.Arockiasamy, S.J., Secretary, explained how teachers could mould the personality of students so as to help them become efficient leaders in future.
The Group Discussion was conducted by Dr.C.Eugine Franco, HOD of Commerce. During the Group Discussion suggestions for fulfilling the following recommendations made by the NAAC Peer Team in the next five years were made. 170 teachers attended the Orientation Programme.
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an Orientation Programme on 18th & 19th August 2012 for the teaching staff of St. Xavier's College. Dr.V.S.Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator, explained the objectives of the Programme, focusing on the essential aspects of Teacher-Student relationship. Rev.Fr.Britto Vincent, S.J., Rector, St. Xavier's Institutions, spoke on the role of the teacher in the fast changing society. Rev.Dr.A.Arockiasamy, Secretary, stressed the need for updating the knowledge for effective teaching.
Dr. B. William Dharma Raja, Asst. Professor of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, spoke on Teacher as a Professional. Dr. Dunstan P. Ambrose, Emeritus Professor & Director, Entomology Research Unit, St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai focused on the attributes of a good teacher. Rev. Dr. G. Pushparaj, S. J., Coordinator for Jesuit Higher Education, explained the concept of Jesuit Education and Ignatian Pedagogy. Prof. K. Gopalakrishnan, Former Professor of English, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, delivered lectures on “Teaching through Multimedia in the 21st Century Context. Dr. A. John De Britto, Associate Professor of Botany & Director, Plant Molecular Biology Research Unit, St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, explained how to write Research Proposals for Major and Minor Projects. 110 teachers attended the Orientation Programme.
In order to help young teachers learn the techniques of teaching-learning process, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized an Orientation Programme on 13th & 14th June 2011. Welcoming the participants, Dr.V.S.Joseph Albert, IQAC Co-ordinator, explained the logistics of the Orientation Programme, focusing on the need for extension activities and outreach programmes. Rev.Fr.Britto Vincent, S.J., Rector, St. Xavier's Institutions, stressed the importance of holistic development of Students in Higher Education Institutions. Rev.Dr.Alphonse Manickam, S.J., Principal, pointed out the significance of quality enhancement in the changing global scenario, focusing on the National Assessment and Accreditation Council Peer Team visit. Rev.Dr.A.Arockiasamy, S.J., Secretary, explained how teachers could help students discover their talents. Rev.Dr.Danis Ponniah, S.J., Vice-Principal, delivered the Keynote Address, highlighting the Jesuit concept of higher education. Dr.P.P.Ajaykumar, Director, Institute of Distance Education, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, delivered a lecture on “Creativity in Teaching.” Dr. B. William Dharma Raja, Faculty of Education, M. S. University, spoke on Guidance and Counselling. Dr.S.Mumtaj Begum, Director, Academic Staff College, Madurai Kamaraj University, spoke on Teacher-Student Relationship. The Group Discussion was conducted by Dr. A.John De Britto, Associate Prof. of Plant Biology & Biotechnology. 110 teachers attended the Orientation Programme.