Principal's Message
St. Xavier’s College, a sylvan historian narrating a sublime tale of human excellence,endurance and commitment, was established at Palayamkottai in 1923 by Jesuit Fathers with an aim of empowering the marginalized youth of the southern districts of Tamil Nadu with proper education and preparing them for a happy, healthy and harmonious life. The Motto of the collegeis Veritate Lumen et Vita (Light and Life through Truth). It is a grant–in–aid institution recognized by the UGC Act under sections 2(f) and 12(B). The Madras University recognized St. Xavier’s College as the First Grade College in 1925 on the basis of its academic achievement. The college was affiliated to the Madurai Kamaraj University in 1966. In recognition of its service and excellence, the college was granted autonomy in 1987. The college was affiliated to the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in 1990. The UGC conferred the status of College with Potential for Excellence on St. Xavier’s College in September 2004 and extended the status in 2010 and 2014. The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, selected St. Xavier’s College under “Star College Scheme” in 2014 and for the second time in 2017.
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